ON - Neue Musik Köln e.V.

Melchiorstr. 3, 50670 Köln

chezON: Ruskin Watts

Who’s afraid of the Microtone Wolf? [Vortrag]

Ruskin Watts - Who’s afraid of the Microtone Wolf? 

Jeder hat etwas von Obertonspektren, Altgriechischer Musiktheorie, Pythagoräischen Zahlenverhältnissen gehört. Hier kann man sie näher kennenlernen! Für Hörer/innen, Musiker/innen, Komponist/innen.

  1. elementary introduction to the overtone partials and the musical values of their numbers
  2. an outline of the chain of Pythagorean fifths
  3. numbers of the rational harmonic series and a short demonstration of the tones of the comma cycle
  4. the musical application of the emergent wealth of subtle intonations
  5. harmonic questions in the wake of serialism, spectralism and today’s available electronics

Ruskin Watts – Degree in English, Auckland New Zealand. Early experience in experimental and noise music, late 70s early 80s. Obscure recordings.  Depart London first for Basel and then the quieter countryside. A decade of study in medieval polyphony and lute accompanied song. Retired in the interests of studies in poetry and poetics, including primitive and ancient metrical systems, which needed to be applied to post-structuralist literary theory.  Several publications including the Drone Faciscles.  In recent years return to music theory and even composition. Forthcoming book:” An informal introduction to sonic harmonics”. Musical work in progress: “Hoffensichtlich”, for four varied voice parts,instrumental and vocal,  in sixteen sections with radically different modal and tuning systems, arranged as a day and night cycle…

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